
DVD Conversion (Mac)

Nowadays, television and radio don’t any more take the leading position for entertainment. They are overwhelmed by some digital devices such as computer, which is the most important, MP4, iPod, iPhone, etc. In addition, DVD copy for Mac is also very popular. However, we can’t enjoy what we want directly from our palm devices and must convert them into the compatible format. Then how to convert? The following is the answer to the question.

There are several possible sources of content that most people will want to viewing on their Apple devices. The most common types of content include DVDs, downloaded digital video content, content recorded from a TV using a digital video recorder (DVR), and your own home video content. Here we mainly talk about the DVD conversion, which is very popular together with DVD copy for Mac. One of the most common sources of iPod content for users outside of the U.S. will be DVDs. Although the legality of ripping the content from DVDs varies in different jurisdictions, many countries outside the U.S. have no specific restrictions on the conversion of DVDs, but you must comply with the laws of your particular jurisdiction. To convert a commercial copy-protected DVD, you need to first extract the video content into a viewable format. Once it has been accomplished, the following conversion works in the same way as any other video content. Then you need to use a DVD conversion software to accomplish the task. Here we recommend you two software Handbrake and MacTheRipper, which are both DVD conversion software for Mac. If you want to make a DVD copy for Mac, you’d better own a newly developed product, DVD-Cloner for Mac. It will satisfy you with its versatile features and good quality (1:1 perfect DVD copy for Mac).



Updated : 2023-08-11.