
How to download “Enemy of the State” starring Will Smith?

Enemy of the State is a 1998 American political action thriller film directed by Tony Scott. The film stars Will Smith and Gene Hackman. The film tells the story of a group of National Security Agency (NSA) agents conspiring to kill a congressman and the cover-up that ensues after a tape of the murder ends up in the possession of an unsuspecting lawyer.

Enemy of the State

How do I stream “Enemy of the State”?

It is now available to stream on Apple TV+, Roku, Vudu, fuboTV.

Although these streaming platforms have not yet been supported in Streaming-Cloner, there are other ways to save them locally. You can use a new way to download, copy and backup the latest streaming and DVD/Blu-ray movies and TV series. It is to use a video capture and recording device. In fact, video capture devices are very practical. With it, we will no longer be bothered by the encryption and streaming processing technology.

Just connect a video capture device to streaming and DVD/Blu-ray/streaming media player via HDMI cables, and we can quickly and easily record the latest movies and TV series. No PC is needed in the whole process! For detailed info, please refer to

Updated : 2023-08-11.