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Policy for Upgrading Blue-Cloner
Upgrade to Blue-Cloner 2024 today and take advantage of our one-year complimentary upgrade service for all upcoming versions!
Our policy for the new customers who have recently purchased Blue-Cloner is that they can upgrade to the latest Blue-Cloner 2024 or its subsequent versions free of charge within the first year of their purchase! This means if you have been our customer for less than a year, you can easily access the newer versions of Blue-Cloner without having to pay extra.
If your one-year period of free upgrades has elapsed, an upgrade service fee will be applied for the next year if you wish to continue enjoying the latest versions of Blue-Cloner. However, if you decide not to upgrade, you can still continue using your current version of Blue-Cloner without any restrictions on its usage period! The software remains fully functional, and you can continue to use it for as long as you want.
So, to recap, the upgrade policy is as follows:
New customers who have purchased Blue-Cloner for less than one year can upgrade to Blue-Cloner 2024 or its future versions at no extra cost within their first year of purchase. Customers who have been using Blue-Cloner for more than a year and wish to upgrade to newer versions would need to pay for the next year's upgrade service. If customers do not wish to upgrade after the first year, they can continue to use their current version of Blue-Cloner indefinitely without any time restrictions.
This policy is designed to provide our customers with the flexibility they need. We understand that different customers have different requirements, and our upgrade policy reflects this understanding. We hope that this policy makes the process of using and upgrading Blue-Cloner as straightforward and hassle-free as possible.